I’m tired. I feel like I’m running on empty. Since I took this job, I scurry from one event to another, multi-tasking every minute of every day. Once one activity is finished, I start the next. There’s no time to plan or dream. No time to anticipate.
My writing is like a part-time moonlighting job on the side. And then there’s ministry on top of that. This week, I even spoke at the weekly Cru meeting. And today is the deadline for my next article for the paper. I don’t have one single idea. My well is bone dry. It’s hard to be creative when your mind is vacant.
Something needs to change. I need to refuel. That means putting aside my To-Do list and taking a time-out from activities. Spending time alone, time with God, feels like a luxury to me now. And yet it’s the one necessary thing that should be paramount in each of my days. And second to that is my relationship with my husband. Somehow, I need to let everything else go, knowing that I’ll disappoint people. Knowing I can’t deliver on their expectations of me. Knowing I can’t fulfill my own expectations of my ability to do everything, to keep juggling and not let any balls drop.
Can you relate? Is your load heavier than you can carry? Do you feel like the donkey in this picture that I love? May these words that Jesus spoke for us be like cool water to your soul and to mine:
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).