It's Crunch Time!

It's Crunch Time!

I am now completely embroiled in the busiest time of the year for me in my new job. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. I’ll take busy over boring any day. My big responsibility right now is printing the programs for all three graduation ceremonies – and the names of graduates, award winners, and who does what literally changes by the hour.

Meanwhile, the students are in their final week of classes, about to begin exams and head out for their summer adventures. Every lunch break is filled with final appointments with students in Cru (Campus Crusade). Several are graduating, and about 25 are going on projects all over the U.S. and world. I’ll miss them, and the campus will probably feel like a ghost town once they have left.

It’s an exciting time. If a few more days than usual pass between my posts, you’ll know why. Hope you are surviving your own crunch time.

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