2020: The Year of Clearer Vision?

Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

New Year’s Day 2020 dawned full of optimism. I hoped for a year of perfect vision to go along with the new number, but I guess that usually comes in hindsight. Two months after the year began, my vision became muddy, clouded over like cataracts.

2 thoughts on “2020: The Year of Clearer Vision?

  1. Chelle Carter-Wilson

    When I published my Jan 1, 2020 post, I called it the year of seeing clearly. Now that we’re here, I don’t at all like what I see. Your list of things you know for sure is a powerful reminder. And Lamentations? I spent much of 2019 reminding myself that appreciating joy comes in part from understanding sadness. God knew, even when I didn’t.
    Thank you for these good words.

    1. Taryn Hutchison Post author

      Thank you, Chelle, for your good words. It always amazes me–and it shouldn’t–when I realize God knew beforehand. He has a way of preparing us for what’s ahead that we can’t see that.


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