Category Archives: Writing

Use Your Imagination

October 24, 2018

In 1929, Albert Einstein was asked by a Saturday Evening Post interviewer if he trusted more in imagination or knowledge. Einstein said, “I am enough of the artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Children seem to be born with vivid imaginations […]

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Calling Yourself a Writer

September 26, 2018

I took my first tentative steps on shaky legs one year ago. That’s when I quit my less-than-fulfilling full-time job (no, I did not retire) and started cobbling together part-time writing gigs. My job title on social media had to change. So, what should I call myself? Adjunct college instructor? I taught one class (my […]

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Learning Gratitude from Other Cultures

August 30, 2018

Today, my article about learning gratitude is featured in The Redbud Post‘s issue on learning from other cultures. You can read the article here. I recount one of my memories from my time in Romania that is dearest to my heart. Taryn R. Hutchison, Writer writes, “I’ve learned that all people are the same. Everyone […]

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What if Your Church Vanished?

May 17, 2018

The following article, What if your Church Vanished?, was published in my local paper, The News Herald, on April 27. Hundreds of churches are sprinkled across Burke County’s towns and tucked away in its back roads. With all sizes and denominations, there’s something for everyone who’s interested. My church is about to break ground on […]

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Taking the First Step

August 11, 2017

Sometimes you just have to take the first step. Even when you don’t know for sure that there will be ground under your feet. For years now, I’ve talked about quitting my job. It’s a fine job; I’ve met wonderful people and had great opportunities (especially getting my writing degree). But my life’s dream has […]

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