In case you haven’t guessed by now, I like to mark events and take stock of their significance. You might be tired of reading about our milestones in our transition from California to North Carolina. I wrote when it was one year since we found our house and one year since I became a homeowner for the first time in my life. I promise, this will be the last in a string of dates to celebrate – at least, dates regarding our recent move.
May I have a drum roll? We have now been living in our house for one year (and a few days). On the first of December last year, we completed our cross-country trek and settled in to the house we had owned for four months. To celebrate, we threw a Christmas Open House party. Our home was filled with new friends and neighbors, laughter, and a lot of noise. I am so thankful that we have enough friends after just one year to fill our house and our hearts. That is truly a gift we don’t take for granted. Every other time I have moved, I’ve had instant connections through work or school. Steve and I had neither this time and we had to initiate to get to know people.
Lest you think we are finished with milestones, I need to warn you. In just a couple weeks, Steve and I will celebrate 10 years since he proposed to me. Let the party begin!