Category Archives: Rambling Observations

Summer solstice, this year on June 20, is not just the longest day of the year. It is also the day to fight Alzheimer’s. “The day with the most light is the day we fight.”

Millions of Americans suffer from some form of dementia, with the largest number (5.8 million) having Alzheimer’s. I have been thrust into the middle of this horrible disease, being the caregiver for both parents who have been diagnosed with different dementias. As a teenager, I first encountered Alzheimer’s when my grandmother had it.

Imagination v. Knowledge

April 9, 2021

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Sounds like something Picasso or Pollock might have said, doesn’t it? It may surprise you (but probably not, since you see the photo above) that this comes from one of the world’s greatest minds. Albert Einstein spoke these words in an interview […]

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Do You Remember?

February 11, 2021

Memories have always fascinated me. If two people take part in the same event and then describe it, they will emphasize different aspects, based on their perspective. Over time, our tendency to edit out the bad and highlight the good (or vice versa) comes into play. After the passage of many years, if you ask […]

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