Doing What You Do for Joy

Photo credit Maria Shanina on Unsplash

I’ve been struggling for several months now with my late-in-life career change. Writing has stopped bringing me joy. Mostly that’s because I stopped writing when my parents’ dementias demanded a whole new level of caregiving. It’s hard to find joy in something you’re not doing.

But this has led me to some introspection. Do I even enjoy writing? The answer took a while to find, buried beneath layers of gunk and expectations. To quote a popular idea, does writing “spark joy” for me? Does what you do spark joy for you? 

6 thoughts on “Doing What You Do for Joy

  1. Brenda Collins

    Sometimes we just have to take a step back and re-evaluate our lives. Are we where we need or want to be? Doing what we really want. Did or does my life have purpose? Am I happy and content with where I am and what I am doing? There are so many questions and clearly , somtimes, the answers or lack of, can be daunting. Take the time to refresh yourself, cleanse your soul. Hopefully you will find your gift of writing again. Find joy and peace in whatever and wherever the next chapter of life takes you. Remember that life is but a gift and it doesn’t last forever.
    Your friend,

  2. Elaine Moore

    Dear Taryn ~
    I just finished reading your latest blog. Thank you for pouring out your heart with words on paper for all to read. It made me feel as if I were walking along side of you and experiencing all of your emotions of the past year as well as sharing in your feelings.
    Having been a caregiver for my husband for 5 1/2 years, I certainly can relate to what you have been experiencing. Now that he is gone, there is a huge void in my life and the time that I once lacked is now in abundance. I feel gratified that I was able to provide love and comfort to him during the last years of his life and have no regrets.
    With God’s daily presence in our lives, we can accomplish great things. You are on the right track so continue in that direction and you, too, will be able to look back one day, with satisfaction and pride, at the decisions you are making presently. God loves you and so do I!
    With Much Love & Admiration ~ Elaine

    1. Taryn Hutchison Post author

      Thank you so much for your wisdom, Elaine, and for loving my parents, especially my mom. I’m glad you understand. And I pray that the Lord will refresh your soul after this difficult season.


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