We made it! We’re home. After eight days, 3,027 miles, and ten states, our heart rates quickened as we glimpsed the beautiful blue mountains of our new home state, North Carolina. We first spotted our house exactly six months ago and have owned it for four months, living out of suitcases for the last two. The feeling of finally coming home overwhelmed us when we walked in to see our old familiar furniture, even our own clothes hanging in the closet.
While we slept in Odessa, Texas, our second granddaughter, Emilia Cristina, decided to come a few weeks early. We were just over the halfway point on our drive and knew we needed to keep going, but it’s hard to have to wait a couple months to see her in person. However, within two hours, her picture arrived on our cell phone. It was one of the few times that I loved all this new technology.
We hit the ground running with only three days to prove to the IRS that we actually do live in North Carolina. I have never obtained my driver’s license the very first day I’ve lived in a state before. We sent all of our notarized and copied documents off on time, even managing to go to our town’s annual Christmas parade that night. Since then, we’ve spent hours trying to get our phone, internet, and cable set up. Now we can do the fun part – hang pictures and curtains and deck the halls for Christmas. Oh, tomorrow we may get our first snow!
Glad you made it safely! Impressed with how much you’ve accomplished already.
Will you post some Christmas decorated pictures of your new place?
Praying for you and Steve as you make the transition.
Much love to you both,