Exciting news! My book was chosen to be on the 2012 Reading List for United Methodist Women. I’m thrilled since they have 40,000 women members nationwide. And I’m honored because my book is in the same category (Missions Education) as one by my writing mentor, Kay Marshall Strom. The only other reading list I’ve been selected for was our small town library’s summer plan of traveling the world through books, and I was pretty excited about that, too.
Besides this Methodist reading list, I’ve had a short story published in a Catholic book, I’ve worked at a Southern Baptist seminary, I’m interviewing for a position at a Lutheran college, and I’ve been asked to speak at a Presbyterian women’s conference. And the organization I’ve invested the most years in, Campus Crusade, is inter-denominational. I guess the denominational label has never been important to me; following Jesus Christ is all that matters.
I’m thankful whenever anyone wants to read my meager book, hoping that their vision of our awesome God will be expanded, they’ll be encouraged to trust Him more, and they’ll be strengthened to take the next step of faith. My ultimate prayer is that God will be glorified through my story. And so I rejoice.