If you’ve noticed that no new blog posts have been forthcoming from me this week, you’re right. (And, by the way, thanks for noticing!) I have been a bit overwhelmed with my new graduate student status.
But overwhelmed in a good way. The last time I posted was the day before my first class. Tonight I’ll have my second class. Thought you might be curious to know if I survived.
It’s not the Developing the Creative class I expected. All the writing classes in the schedule were listed as TBD (To Be Determined) and I guess I determined wrong. Instead, I’m in an Advanced Dramatic Writing Workshop. I’ve never really considered writing scripts and the word Advanced was a little daunting, so I thought I’d go to the first class and then get my registration switched.
But here’s the thing. I loved the first class. During my hour-long drive home from Asheville that evening, my creative juices were reawakened from their deep slumber. I wrote one of my scripts during that commute – at least in my head.
For tonight’s class, we had to write a monologue, reading responses to three plays we read, and replies to our classmates’ responses. My monologue, written during the wee hours when I couldn’t sleep, is entitled Insomnia. Next week, we write a 10-minute play. Then a one-act play. Then we work with local actors who will perform our one-act plays for the final of the five nights of our class. Yikes! Grad school, especially for a mini summer term, is a whole lot of work compressed into a really short amount of time.
Tonight we have a field trip after class to see a live play performed in downtown Asheville (which we write a review of). It will be a very late night. And a very early morning at work tomorrow.
But for now, I’m invigorated. Thankful to God for this opportunity. Curious about where this will lead.