One day can make all the difference. With just one day off work for our annual fall break holiday, added to the weekend for a three-day getaway with Steve, I returned home refreshed.
All those lovely “R” words. Rested. Reinvigorated. Relaxed.
Sometimes trips are less than restful. The actual travel time can be tiring. The destination may not be what you’d hoped for. The weather may not cooperate. Any number of things can conspire against you.
But this time, everything was in sync. Our long journey of marveling in the artistry of the exquisite colors God used to dip his paintbrush in was as much fun as the destination.
I’m still amazed that something as short as one day could make such an impact. Perhaps my insatiable appetite for new and exotic hinders me from experiencing the refreshment that’s available everyday. Taking a brisk walk outside. Reading just one chapter of a book. Calling a friend to actually talk voice-to-voice. Those are all things that give back.
I’ve always pooh-poohed the idea of five-minute vacations at your desk. You know, where instead of actually taking a trip, you look at virtual photos of restful scenes on your computer for five minutes. You lean back in your chair, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. You engage all your senses. You visualize yourself there, smelling the scents, hearing the sounds.
Of course, nothing beats experiencing things for real, but imagination can be powerful. And it can provide that mental time out that gives back in terms of stamina and re-fueled creativity. I’m hoping these photos may be doing that for you.
Whether you can squeeze out a weekend getaway or just a couple hours to drive to an apple orchard or walk around a pretty park, the renewed energy for your body, mind, and spirit will be worth it.