A Celebration I’ll Never Forget


The event that brought me 6,000 miles happened last night. It was a night so rich and deep in significance that I will never forget it. I believe God was glorified as we praised Him with one voice for doing what only He could do in Romania.

About 20 people shared different aspects of the work of Campus Crusade in that country over the years. Some spoke via video; most of us spoke in person. Some blazed the way as early as 1978 by making secret trips to encourage believers. Some of us moved in-country after the revolution 20 years ago. Laughter and tears flowed freely. Those of us who had followed God’s call to leave home and serve in Romania felt honored and appreciated. The current staff (all nationals but one) serving there were encouraged and strengthened in their faith.

Each speaker recounted stories of God’s grace and described what life was like in the time they served. When I spoke, I reminded the young ones that God is the same today as He was in 1989 when He brought freedom to their country. Today their needs may be different, but God is not. He can still do the impossible.

The theme for the conference was everywhere evident. “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Thy name give glory because of They lovingkindness, because of Thy truth.” (Psalm 115:1)

When I was deciding whether to attend this conference, I considered if the money for my trip might be better spent by sending a check to the ministry. I honestly didn’t know. My husband asked me what the Romanian staff would say. “That’s easy,” I said. “They would say they’d rather have me.”

Last night, I posed that question to several people. “We want you,” they said. “We’re so glad you came.” So am I.

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