One of my heart’s dreams is for my book to become available in Romania. I would love for people in Eastern Europe to be encouraged with some of the amazing things God has done in their midst. Two things happened this week that have encouraged me that my dream may become a reality before too long.
An impromptu book signing occurred at the end of the staff conference. I arrived with a suitcase stuffed with 30 copies of my book in English, not enough for all the staff but enough for the ones who asked for a copy, the ones who are fluent in English. Late the final evening, as I bid many tearful good-byes, people kept bringing me their copy for a personal autograph. Many had started to read We Wait You at the conference and were excited about the possibilities of giving the books to their ministry partners.
Yesterday, my train to Bucharest was 2-1/2 hours late, shortening my stop in Brasov to just one hour. Yet it was enough time to meet with the director of a Christian publishing house. She had read my book already and wants to take on the project of translating it into Romanian and publishing it in Romania. I’m thrilled about the possibility. One option would involve it being completed much sooner but would involve a financial investment on our part. The other option may mean it wouldn’t be printed for a couple years. Either way, the result will be that these stories of how awesome our God is may be available in the Romanian language soon. I am humbled and excited. I can’t wait.