I’m pleasantly tired, happy to be reunited with my sweet husband who claimed our house was too quiet without me, and glad for the gorgeous September weather in the Carolinas. Mostly, I’m thankful that God allowed me to have a part in something so significant. There is nothing better than knowing that your toil was worth it – seeing lasting results of years of labor. This past week in Romania, I’ve been part of something holy. It’s been an emotional week for me. I have missed Romania, missed my friends, and missed Campus Crusade. I realize I’m still one of them (in all three categories) and I’ll always be one with them. The tears I have freely shed in the midst of much laughter have been all about joy.
I have lived and ministered in many places. On my plane flights home, I tried to capture exactly why it is that Romania is so special to me. Perhaps it’s more precious to me than other places because it cost me something to live there. Maybe it’s because the people are off-the-charts warm, loving, and generous. Or it could be that they always made me feel wanted and appreciated; they set me free to be who I am. Maybe it’s because I was truly part of something amazing that only God could do. I think it’s all of those reasons. I know it’s impossible to pray for and cry over a people as much as my team and I did without having them enter the fiber of your being and take up permanent residence there.
Every time we sang praise songs together last week, I felt as though I was standing on holy ground. Whenever I leave these dear, dear friends, we say good-bye as though we may never see each other again on this earth. And when we raise our voices together to glorify God, I realize that one day we will all sing together at the throne of the Lamb, for all eternity. And I think there will be more people gathered there because my team and I followed God to Romania. That thought brings me unutterable joy.