When you work hard for something, you want to see results. You want your effort to be worth it. You don’t want to have toiled in vain. That’s just human nature.

One of my proudest moments happened three years ago, when I received my master’s degree in writing. It wasn’t just the culmination of more than three grueling years–ten semesters–of working hard in a graduate program while I worked hard in my full-time job. It was much more than that. What makes me the most proud is that I got this degree in my fifties, at a time when most people wouldn’t even try.
“It’s been three years since you graduated,” some may say. “What do you have to show for it?”
Not yet.
But I will . . .

In the past three years, I’ve taken the germ of an idea, born in my Fiction Writing Workshop, and turned it into a full-fledged novel series. Around the edges of my jobs (thankfully, only part-time at this point), I’ve been busy juggling three novels and trying my best to stay sane in the process.
All the novels are at various stages of readiness. The first is with agents and publishers, as I type. The second is being edited. The third, well, I’ve only begun the third.
I like goals. They help me stay on track. And I have lots of goals with these novels. I’m aiming to have the first novel published (or have a contract) by the end of this year. And I hope to have the first draft of the third one finished by summer’s end.
You can help me get these novels published. All it involves on your part is a simple click. Just sign up on the form here on my website. Or, you can go to my author page on facebook and look for email signup on the menu (and while you’re there, like my page!). The numbers who subscribe to my newsletter count a lot with agents and publishers.
But you’ll get something out of it, too. I’m going to start a newsletter later this summer, after I’ve gathered enough subscribers. Every month, you’ll find something brief and interesting from me–about my novel–in your inbox. I’ll also let you have a sneak peek at my novel–a downloadable copy of Chapter One.
So please, sign up for my newsletter! I give you my word: your email address is safe with me. I will not sell your email address or give it to anyone.
Please help me make the fruit of my labor something that shows.
Congratulations! It’s so exciting to hear about your books.
Thanks, Beth! I’ll definitely keep you posted.