It’s official and I can’t wait! I am going back to Romania in August. The current staff – over 100 Romanians and only one American – have invited all of us who were part of the team in 1990 – just a handful of Americans trying to cope under difficult living conditions and political instability – to come back to celebrate the astounding things God has done in the last 20 years. Many of the leaders of the Campus Crusade ministry today are ones who came to faith in Christ during those early years. They are fruit that have remained and multiplied. Romania will always hold my heart and feel like home to me, so I am excited beyond words about this trip. If only my husband could go with me, my joy would be complete. When we visited Eastern Europe together five years ago, we decided to return every five years, not counting on a major move happening a matter of months ago.
I’m anticipating an awesome time of worship to the One who shattered those bars of iron holding the Romanian people prisoner so many years ago. And a rich time of fellowship with friends with whom I share a bond made deep by trusting in God together for the impossible, and seeing Him provide. I’m also expecting to be stretched as I face up to the fact that I’m out of practice with a lifestyle that was once second nature to me, surprised as I observe huge changes in the country, and comforted by the many things that will never change. I promise to blog about my trip daily. (I don’t, however, promise that I can post the blogs daily but I will try my best. Maybe one of my surprises will be that things will work a little better now.)
For now, it is T minus 60 days.