I’m so excited about the newest release from the Jesus film. It is a movie called Magdalena – written by a woman, directed by a woman, and with the purpose of reaching out with the gospel to women around the world. Magdalena tells the story of women Jesus encountered face-to-face, giving them honor and dignity in exchange for their fear and shame. It includes flashback clips from the Jesus film. This movie is especially geared for women who feel unseen and unheard, enduring pain, slavery, and oppression; but it is equally significant for women seeking direction and purpose in life. Check out this interactive trailer: www.magdalenamovie.com/
The Campus Crusade staff in my former part of the world have begun using this film in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania. The premiere on International Women’s Day (March 8) will provide opportunities for them to connect with people in government, education, medicine, and other professions. Besides the gospel being clearly communicated, there are eight consecutive sessions to aid in following up the spiritual growth of women who respond. Please pray that God will use this tool to cause women to come to Christ for the living water which alone will satisfy.