I can tell exactly when friends have read my book – before they even say a word. It’s all in their eyes. When they first hear that I wrote a book, their expressions feel rather patronizing, sorry for the disappointment certain to come when no one buys it. It seems that they are thinking, “Oh, how cute. But does she even know how to write?” When they see the title of We Wait You, they seem embarrassed for me. “Poor thing. She doesn’t even know grammar. Why didn’t anyone tell her?”
And then, I see them later and they look at me differently. It’s a look of knowing. Some have even run to me and hugged me. Our relationship has suddenly become much more intimate. Now they know all kinds of personal things about me, secrets that I never spoke out loud to them but put out there for the whole world to read. One person said she feels like I am her best friend now. Funny, but I don’t know anything more about her.
It’s been a huge surprise to me how many men have read We Wait You and loved it. One guy told me I’m a poet and even read my book a second time. (I always blush when I remember Chapter 5.) And, of course, I’m gratified to hear that my book has resonated deeply with Romanians and Eastern Europeans. Some who are married to Americans have had their spouses read my book to understand more about their background.
All I can say to the ones with the patronizing looks: I am more astounded than anyone to realize that people are actually buying my book and God is using this meager offering to minister to others. He is amazing!