As usual, Oswald Chamber’s words today, penned a century ago, spoke to me. “God is my Father. He loves me. I shall never think of anything He will forget. Why should I worry?”
I don’t think I’m consciously worrying about anything. There’s nothing exactly stressful in my life right now, but still, so many thoughts competed for my attention last night that sleep became a mere nap. Certainly jet lag from our recent trip played a part in that, and it is my first day back to work after a two-week vacation. But mostly my To-Do list consumed me. Nagging thoughts such as:
- I can’t forget to take my notebook to work tomorrow. If I keep reciting, “Notebook, Notebook, Notebook,” as I drift off to sleep, it’ll be my first thought in the morning. (This brilliant idea boomeranged.)
- As soon as I get home, I have to read through that stack of mail. Agh! And when will I ever find time to answer all those personal emails?
- I have to vote Tuesday night. And I have a meeting Thursday night. And somehow, I have to figure out what to cook for Friday night. Yikes! How will I get the house clean by Friday?
This morning, Oswald’s words on divine control were a balm to my overtired, frantic heart.
Why should I worry? Really, is there any rational reason for it? Isn’t worry actually just another way of saying that I don’t trust that God can do it? When I’m anxious, I stop believing that He can take care of me. Anxiety and trust can’t possibly co-exist.
God is my Father and he does love me. There’s no place for worry in my life.
This last week, as I watched our sweet granddaughter cry out, “Papi, I’m sinking!” and then saw her momentary fear melt away when her daddy put his strong arms out to catch her in her inflatable tube, I realized Lucy was modeling how I should respond in fearful situations. She didn’t hesitate for a moment in totally trusting her daddy. I want that childlike faith that says I believe Abba Father is enough.
There’s no way, with my finite mind, that I can think of something that the God of the Universe won’t remember, no matter how many times I recite it to myself.
No worries. Hakuna matata.
Better yet, dwell on the words of Phil. 4:6-7 and let them fill your mind today: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”