Whatever you do . . .

Every muscle in my body aches today. And yet I feel light. There’s nothing like the feeling of completion, especially when it’s successful completion.

The mammoth project I’ve been working on all summer, a yearlong anniversary celebration, finally kicked-off on Friday. The stress was crazy at times, but mostly, it was great fun. I was able to break out of my confining office walls and do something that allowed me to be creative and work in two fields I love (art and writing), and I’m thankful.

But even when the work is mundane and not a bit challenging or exhilarating–which mostly describes my work after I left Cru staff–it’s still an avenue to glorify God. Maybe you can relate. Perhaps you’re not exactly working out of your strengths or feeling appreciated for what you do. Your attitude (cheerful or negative) and work ethic (excellence or mediocrity) makes all the difference. You can be confident that He orchestrates what you do and He can redeem it, whatever it is, wherever it is. But it sure is nice when you get to be in a season where your work fits who you are and you actually enjoy it!

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father . . . Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” Colossians 3:17, 23-24

Today’s reading in My Utmost for His Highest reiterates that:

“…remember that wherever you are, you are put there by God; and by the reaction of your life on the circumstances around you, you will fulfill God’s purpose, as long as you keep in the light as God is in the light.”

That’s all I really wanted to say today that–I hope–will encourage you like it does me. However, if you’re interested, read on. I’ll tell you a little more about my project. 11889408_10153574356109269_6082268000649276092_n

Raw materials:  A mountain of memorabilia to display all over campus.

End result:

  • 19 display cases, each telling a story, spread around the campus.
  • 7 markers to show where old buildings once stood, with a photo and short narrative.
  • 70 not-very-subtle banners loudly proclaiming the anniversary.
  • The centerpiece, a timeline of events during the 125-year-history, complete with photos and narrative. 11887896_10153555362144269_4857047128168526687_n

Each day dawned with new challenges:

  • How to elevate an old freshman beanie higher than the other items in its display case (solved by wrapping a roll of paper towels in a black cloth).
  • How to stuff a bear mascot costume that has 4 arms and no legs and make it sit in a chair (easy, just tuck the hands into the shoes and put a pillow in the midsection and strap it to the chair)11924940_10153571867774269_702351981637552656_n
  • How to make mini-easels to prop photos and books against (bend up some wire coat hangers).

I felt like The Little Engine that Could when others would call something impossible and I was determined to prove them wrong. There was nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a little duct tape, some string, and some wire hangers. And a big dose of think-outside-the-box ingenuity.

Most of the display cabinets had to be loaded from the back. And most days, I was dressed in my appropriate office attire (which is not the jeans and sneakers I longed for). I felt like Ginger Rogers. I had to do it all backwards and in high heels.

But it got finished! And now I need to tackle the growing mound of homework from my neglected classes. After my nap.


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