The Glorious Muddle
glimpses of grace in the messiness of life

July 5, 2023

Going Backward

Every week, babies change. They grow. They develop. It’s exciting. Parents, grandparents, everyone marvels the first time the baby does anything. Smiles. Rolls over. Laughs. Recognizes their hand. Crawls. Stands. Each new word is reason to cheer. Each accomplishment, no matter how tiny, is met with enthusiasm. Videos are made and shared. Every week, if they are healthy, babies accumulate new skills in their repertoire.

At the other end of life, people with dementia also change each week. But instead of adding skills, they lose them. They go backward in their development.


June 13, 2023

The Book in the Middle

Announcing the long-awaited arrival of Two Lights of Hope, the middle book in A Cold War Trilogy! Like any parent with a middle child, I feared this middle one might be overlooked. Sequels often are. The newness of the firstborn has worn off, replaced by sheer exhaustion.

But it’s here. It’s a good story. And I want to celebrate its arrival!


April 27, 2023

The Story Continues

I’m thrilled to announce the upcoming birth of my second novel, Two Lights of Hope, Book Two in A Cold War Trilogy! It will be released sometime this summer, so stay tuned to find out exactly when as that becomes clearer.

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March 23, 2023

No Regrets Caregiving

My mom turned 90 in style with a big family party. Even more birthday cards arrived after this photo was taken.

My mom has had three trips to the Emergency Department already this year. She’s had twice as many falls. Every time the telephone rings, I tense up. It’s often a nurse, and it’s often bad news.


February 15, 2023

Walking off into the Sunset

Photo thanks to Jason Blackeye at Unsplash

RIP Barnabas (Barney) Hutchison, The Encourager

I think my cat died two days ago. Let me start over: I know my cat died two days ago. The reason I said “I think” isn’t because I’m stuck in the stage of grief called denial, but because it happened in such a romantic, perfectly scripted movie-ending sort of way, a way I’d never heard of before, that I have trouble believing it.